Megapolis Hack – Use our new Online Megabucks Generator to generate some Megabucks to your game account. I think you saw on the web a lot of useless, fakes hacks or tool which don’t work. Now you will get totally new way of getting Free Megabucks. I also play a lot in Megapolis so i decided to create a online generator which will allow you to generate Megabucks safe and without download any files! I also give you proof that our Megapolis Hack works! Working and collaborating with your neighbors in combination with building a city from scratch is that makes this game a pleasure to play. With more than 500.000 daily active players and more than 8 million monthly active players worldwide this game turned out to be a huge success for its developers, Social Quantum. The developers wanted to replicate the success of CityVille and it seems like the managed to create a much better game with more realistic gameplay. Currently Megapolis is one of the most played games online and it is constantly growing it’s player base with the game becoming available at more platforms each year. So, are you ready to build your very own Megapolis with our Megapolis Hack?